Beatle Fab Fic
Beatle Buzz-On Location


Untitled | He Blew His Mind Out In a Car | (How We Became) All Together Now! | It Don't Come Easy, But It Do Come Love | In My Life, In My Dreams | Buddies and Pals | Beatle Buzz | Beatle Buzz-On Location | Pepperland | Our Generation | A Hard Day's Night | Money | Author Profiles

Beatle Buzz-On Location

By Rachael Starkey

George: *standing in an empty hallway* And welcome to the 3rd version of 'Beatle Buzz'. We are on location for this episode. We are going to surprise some... uh... birds in their hotel room, and ask them to give us question. So, lets go in.

*He walks off with the camera filming his back*
*John, Paul and Ringo come into focus in from of him*

John: Hey George! We goin' in now?
George: Yep!
Paul: *knocks on door* Erm, hello?

*from inside*

Inside: Yes? *giggling*
Paul: Erm, can we come in? It's 'Beatle Buzz' here for a private interview.
Inside: Oh My God! *shrieking*

*door opens, Beatles enter, 4 girls inside*

Paul: Oh my god...
George: My sweet lord...
John: F*ckin' hell!
Ringo: Bloody 'ell!


Girl Paul: I'm Paula!
Girl George: I'm Georgette!
Girl John: I'm Joan!
Girl Ringo: I'm Rachael, or Ringo!
Paul: Erh... are you a band?
Joan: Duh! *singing* He loves you and you know you should be glad!
Georgette and Paula: *shaking heads* Whoooooo!!!
John: It's SHE love you!
Joan: HE!
John: SHE!
Joan: HE!

*3 hours later*

*John and Joan have finally agreed to disagree, Paul and Paula are snuggled on 1 bed, George and Georgette are trying to out-play (out-guitar?) each other and Ringo (Richard) and Ringo (Rachael)are snogging on another bed*

Paul: *standing up* Well, I think we'd best be going.
George: Yeh.
John: *under breath* It's SHE!
Ringo (Richard): Awww...
George: he, by the way, what was your question?
Georgette: What happens when you meet you opposite sex double.
John, Paul George and Ringo: *in perfect harmony* Oooooooohhhh...

*walk out dooor*

Ringo: That was fun!
George: yeh!
Paul: Uhuh...
John: It *is* SHE!
George, Paul, Ringo: John?
John: Yeh?
George, Paul, Ringo: SHUTUP!


*Paula yanks off her head to reveal...

Jane: Bastards. They do cheat on us!

*Georgette rips off her head to reveal Pattie*

Pattie: YEH! I don't think I trust George anymore!

*Joan pulls off her head. Underneath is Cynthia*

Cynthia: Well, did you ever anyway! *giggling* John didn't do anything, though!

*Ringo takes of her head to reveal Maureen.*

Maureen: God I didn't know Ritchie was that easy!
Pattie: Girl, just dump him!
Jane: yeh, don't put up with that!
Cynthia: Well...

*Later that night, Ringo apoligised to Maureen, Jane and Paul... erh... made up (for what I asks yehz!!!) and Pattie and George *trusted* each other again!*

Stay tuned for more On Location episodes of Beatle Buzz!